Another 25 migrants arrive in Dover carrying wet shoes and blankets

Another 25 young male migrants arrive in Dover today carrying wallets, wet shoes and wrapped in blankets after being picked up in rough Channel waters

  • Roughly 25 migrants arrived on Monday morning wrapped in blankets and carrying their shoes, which appeared to be wet after the dangerous crossing 
  • The sea is choppy, according to onlookers, so further crossings today unlikely
  • Comes days after some 607 migrants arrived in Dover taking total to 20,042 

More migrants have arrived in Dover this morning after nearly 30 came ashore after they were picked up from rough waters in the Channel –  days after more than 600 arrived on UK shores. 

The young male migrants who were picked up by a Border Force boat and came ashore wrapped in blankets, clutching wallets, carrying their shoes with onlookers saying they appeared to be wet.  

The new arrivals take the provisional total of migrants who have made the perilous Channel crossing to the UK by boat to 20,042 so far this year. 

‘The migrants arrived with blankets and carrying their shoes because they all appeared to be wet from the journey,’ one onlooker said. 

According to reports, the sea is choppy so further crossings – for today at least – are unlikely. 

They arrived at Dover this morning (Monday August 15) after being brought ashore by Border Force 

Migrants were seen wearing blankets and carrying their possessions as they disembarked the boats 

They were forced to change out of their shoes in favour of flip flops after their shoes were soaked during the dangerous crossing 

Those who came ashore swapped their shoes for flip flops as onlookers said their belongings appeared to have got wet

Pictures show people disembarking from the boats wearing blankets around their shoulders after appearing to get wet while making the perilous journey over the Channel from France. 

They all wore face masks and life jackets as they were brought ashore by the BF Ranger.   

The images show the migrants, the majority of whom appeared to be men, huddled together clutching their belongings as border force agents look on.  

It comes just days after some 607 migrants arrived in Dover on Saturday (August 13) after being intercepted by Border Force. 

A group of 39 migrants made up of young men and women and some older adults also landed in the port at around 6.30am on Friday (August 12), followed hours later by another 100 asylum seekers.

Earlier in the week, 261 migrants took advantage of calm conditions to risk the journey by small boat to the UK, bringing the official total to have crossed during August to 2,608. 

More than 20,000 people have have sailed across the 21-mile Dover Straits in small boats so far this year, Government figures show. 

Border Force brought roughly 25 migrants to the shore in Dover after a perilous crossing 

Onlookers say they were wearing blankets and carrying their shoes which appeared to be wet from the crossing 

They all wore face masks as they disembarked from the boats which brought them ashore 

Border Force agents were on hand to direct the new arrivals as they entered Dover 

Recent figures suggest nearly 19,000 migrants have sailed across the 21-mile Dover Straits in small boats so far this year. 

They wore blankets in a bid to keep warm after the dangerous Channel crossing

There have been 3,618 crossings detected in August so far, with 1,694 in the past week, according to the Ministry of Defence. 

The highest daily total for this year was recorded on August 1, when 696 people made the crossing in 14 boats. 

Some 28,526 people made the treacherous journey in 2021 – compared to 8,410 who arrived in 2020, according to official government figures.

A Government spokesperson has previously said: ‘The rise in dangerous Channel crossings is unacceptable.

‘Not only are they an overt abuse of our immigration laws, but they risk lives and hinder our ability to help refugees who come to the UK through safe and legal routes.

‘The Nationality and Borders Act will enable us to crack down on abuse of the system and the evil people smugglers, who will now be subject to a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

‘Under our new Migration and Economic Development Partnership with Rwanda, we are continuing preparations to relocate those who are making dangerous, unnecessary and illegal journeys into the UK in order for their claims to be considered and rebuild their lives.’

The images show the migrants, the majority of whom appeared to be men, huddled together clutching their belongings as border force agents look on

They wore life jackets and wrapped themselves up in blankets while holding wet possessions 

New arrivals come after it was revealed last week how people traffickers have launched a £1,500-a-person ‘summer sale’ to cross the Channel illegally in a dinghy

Some 28,526 people made the treacherous journey in 2021 – compared to 8,410 who arrived in 2020, according to official government figures

It comes after it was revealed this week how people traffickers have launched a £1,500-a-person ‘summer sale’ to cross the Channel illegally in a dinghy – mainly aimed at Albanians exploiting a loophole in UK anti-slavery laws – and advertised on TikTok.

MPs have demanded that ministers redouble their efforts to deport migrants to Rwanda following a surge in Albanians using small boats to enter Britain, lured in with the cut prices. 

The price of crossing the Channel appears to have dropped from close to £20,000 to between £5,000 and £3,500 per person. In some cases it has been as low as £1,500 to fill inflatable boats landing on the Kent coast. 

Leaked figures have revealed migrants from the Balkan country now make up four in ten arrivals from northern France with 1,075 Albanians arriving in the UK aboard dinghies and small boats in the six weeks to July 12.

They made up 37.5 per cent of all migrants trafficked to the UK in small boats by gangs during the period – now eclipsing all other nationalities including Afghans, Iranians, Iraqis and Syrians.

Tory backbenchers have called on the next prime minister to act urgently. 

Natalie Elphicke, Tory MP for Dover, said: ‘It’s clear many Albanians coming to the UK in small boats are not fleeing from war or persecution – they are economic migrants. 

‘This is blatant criminality and it underlines the urgency of getting on with Rwanda and similar schemes.’

MPs demand Rwanda plan be restarted as soon as possible as traffickers ‘trick migrants into racing to Britain before Boris Johnson is replaced’ 

The Rwanda scheme was championed by Home Secretary Priti Patel

Albanian migrants are being conned by ruthless human traffickers into making dangerous Channel crossings before Britain’s next Prime Minister takes office.

Those making the perilous journey are being warned a new leader will halt all crossings with patrols, while also dropping their charges from £10,000 to £2,000.

MPs last night called on ministers to redouble their efforts to deport migrants to Rwanda following a surge in Albanians using small boats to enter Britain. 

Leaked figures have revealed migrants from the Balkan country – a Nato member that wants to join the EU – now make up four in ten arrivals from northern France. 

The escalation saw 1,075 Albanians arrive in the UK aboard dinghies and small boats in the six weeks to July 12. 

They made up 37.5 per cent of all migrants trafficked to the UK in small boats by gangs during the period – eclipsing all other nationalities including Afghans, Iranians, Iraqis and Syrians. 

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