Every claim Omid Scobie makes against the Royal Family in Endgame

Omid Scobie’s sneak peak ‘truth bombs’: Every claim the ‘Sussex Cheerleader-In-Chief’ makes against the Royal Family in extracts of new Harry and Meghan book Endgame ahead of release tomorrow

The Royal Family are braced for further ‘truth bombs’ about everyone from King Charles to Princess Anne when Omid Scobie’s new book comes out tomorrow.

The book, Endgame, will see the author dubbed ‘Meghan’s mouthpiece’ take a look at the monarchy’s ‘fight for survival’ and reveal a series of new bombshell claims.

Among these will be a fresh look at Prince Harry’s relationship with his brother William and allegations that two royals aired ‘concerns’ about Archie’s skin colour.

Mr Scobie also claims that Charles told his family not to trust Harry, and Queen Camilla thanked Piers Morgan after he defended the royals against Meghan.

Buckingham Palace has so far declined to comment on any of the allegations in the book. Here, MailOnline looks at the key claims that have emerged in extracts so far:

King Charles III

‘Told his family not to trust Harry’

French magazine Paris Match claims Endgame reveals a message that was circulated in the Royal Family telling them not to trust Harry after his memoir Spare was released.

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The journal reports that a source close to the King even allegedly said ‘Charles was cautious’ after Prince Harry called his father to pass on his best wishes three weeks after the book was published.

‘He wanted to limit their discussion to a harmless exchange. Concerning Harry, the message that circulated in the family was not to trust him…everyone took it very seriously,’ the source alleges.

Despite the strained relationship between Charles and the Sussexes, she and Harry still keep him ‘up to date’ by ‘sending him photos of their children’. 

‘Charles was cautious’ after Prince Harry called his father to pass on his best wishes three weeks after the book was published, it is claimed  

Harry used Spare to make a series of personal attacks on his family, including the claim they helped ‘trash’ his and Meghan’s reputations, forcing them to move to California, and have ‘shown no willingness to reconcile’. 

He also accused his elder brother of physically attacking him at Nottingham Cottage in 2019 and ‘lunging’ at him after the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral in 2021. 

The prince also detailed the conversation he reportedly had with his father the King on the day of the Queen’s death, in which the Duchess of Sussex reportedly was banned from joining the immediate family in Balmoral.

Charles is a ‘pampered’ royal who has his shoelaces ironed for him

Charles is a ‘pampered’ royal who has his shoelaces ironed for him, the book has claimed. 

Mr Scobie also alleges His Majesty insists on travelling with luxurious perfectly steamed 1,000-thread-count bed linen. 

In another attack, Mr Scobie says Charles likes to have someone squeeze one inch of toothpaste onto his toothbrush for him as part as his bedtime routine. 

An extract from his new book Endgame published in The Sun reads: ‘When laces get even the smallest bit threadbare, a staff member must quickly switch them out with a fresh, ironed pair.

‘There is even a rumour (one that, surprisingly, sources have confirmed) that Charles likes to have someone squeeze exactly one inch of toothpaste onto his toothbrush for him ahead of his bedtime routine.’

King Charles III attends St Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham, Norfolk, yesterday

Charles was ‘cautious’ in conversation with Harry

Charles was ‘cautious’ when talking to Prince Harry after the publication of Spare and family members were told not to trust him, Mr Scobie claims.

The Sussexes’ cheerleader describes an alleged conversation between Charles and his son Harry, who had apparently called to talk to him about his vitriolic memoir following its release in January.

He says the King was ‘cautious’, further claiming that a message was circulated among family members not to trust Harry with anything and to ignore both the book’s claims and what he was saying to promote it.

French magazine Paris Match has released extracts from Endgame alongside an interview with Mr Scobie.

The journal reports that a source close saying of Charles’ approach to the conversation: ‘He wanted to limit their discussion to a harmless exchange.

‘Concerning Harry, the message that circulated in the family was not to trust him… everyone took it very seriously.’

Charles branded Harry a ‘fool’ after Duke’s Netflix series

Charles was sensationally accused of branding his son Harry ‘that fool’ following the Duke of Sussex’s bombshell Netflix documentary.

Harry made a series of allegations against the Royal Family in the series released in December last year as part of his £80million deal with the streaming network.

This prompted a furious reaction from his father according to a new book about the Royal Family by Mr Scobie.

An extract from the book in The Sun on Sunday said Mr Scobie wrote: ‘At the Palace, heads were in hands and migraines were brewing.

‘(The show) took the wind out of everyone’s sails,’ said one aide. ‘(He) went from not wanting anyone to talk about his son to openly criticising ‘that fool’.’

Queen Camilla 

Camilla personally thanked Piers Morgan for ‘defending the Firm’

Mr Scobie claims that Queen Camilla sent a message of ‘gratitude’ to Piers Morgan after he nicknamed Meghan Markle ‘Princess Pinocchio’.

The King’s wife allegedly thanked the British journalist and broadcaster for ‘defending The Firm’ and ‘standing up’ to the Duchess of Sussex after her and Harry’s volley of attacks on the royals when they spoke to Oprah Winfrey in March 2021.

After the couple’s interview was broadcast on CBS and ITV to tens of millions of people around the world, Mr Morgan, 58, tweeted that he ‘wouldn’t believe [Meghan] if she read me a weather report.’ 

He then nicknamed Meghan ‘Princess Pinocchio’ in his column for MailOnline. He later left his job as host of ITV’s Good Morning Britain when Meghan and her supporters complained about his coverage.

Harry (pictured, centre with his wife Meghan at the Queen’s funeral) is said to be prepared to ‘forget’ his feud with his family 

According to the New York Post, Mr Scobie’s new book Endgame claims that Queen Camilla sent a message to Piers to thank him for his support of the Royal Family, who were accused by the Sussexes of being racist towards Archie and ignoring Meghan while she claims she was suicidal.

Mr Scobie claims that a royal aide told him that Camilla would never address Meghan and Harry’s attacks publicly, but showed ‘gratitude’ to Piers because ‘somebody was standing up’ to Meghan. Some sources claimed she may have sent him a note.

Buckingham Palace declined to comment. MailOnline has asked Piers Morgan to comment.

Prince Harry 

‘Ready to forget’ and ‘doesn’t care’ if he doesn’t get an apology

The book suggests Harry could be ready for reconciliation with his family, with the prince reported to have said: ‘I’m ready to forget. Get an apology or explanation? At this point, who cares, right?’ 

The claim emerged last week in Paris Match.

Earlier this month it was suggested there was a thawing of relations after sources close to the prince leaked to chosen media that he had a warm conversation with his father when he rang to wish him a happy 75th birthday. 

However, the publication of Endgame is unlikely to do anything to bolster hopes that Harry may one day be reconciled with his family.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Netflix documentary was released in December last year

This is doubly the case given Mr Scobie will make a series of new personal attacks on senior royals including Charles, William and Kate. 

Mr Scobie insists he is not friends with the Sussexes, nor was he in direct contact with them over the book, and the Sussexes have denied they are ‘affiliated’ with it.

But there is a certain level of detail that, if true, could only have come from sources who are extremely close to the couple.

‘Kept in dark’ about Queen’s death and William ‘ignored texts’

The Duke of Sussex was ‘kept in the dark’ about the Queen’s health in the hours before she died, Mr Scobie claims. 

In Endgame, the author recounts how the Sussexes had visited the UK for a series of engagements in September 2022 when the palace announced that Queen Elizabeth II had been advised by her doctors to rest. 

He writes: ‘By the next morning, the Sussexes had no idea that Buckingham Palace was already planning for the Queen’s final hours and the first days of the monarchy’s new era — until the duke’s phone started ringing. An unknown number. He usually ignored those.’

William allegedly ignored texts from Harry asking him about transport to Balmoral after the Queen’s death, according to Scobie 

Meghan told her husband to pick up the phone and he accepted the call ‘just before it stopped’, the author says. 

READ MORE – Harry ‘turned down King Charles’ offer to spend anniversary of Queen’s death at Balmoral 

He continues: ‘Harry hadn’t spoken to his father much that year, but this was not the time for any father-and-son tension. Charles told him he and Camilla were about to leave Dumfries House for Balmoral, where Princess Anne was already by the Queen’s side. He told Harry to make his way to Scotland immediately.’

Harry sent a text message to his brother William asking how he and Kate planned to get to Scotland and whether they could travel together but got no response, Mr Scobie claims.

He was later told Harry had managed to secure a flight with his uncles Prince Andrew and Prince Edward.

‘It was upsetting to witness,’ Mr Scobie claims he was told by a source close to the Sussexes. ‘[Harry] was completely by himself on this.’

An emotional Harry travels in an official car to Balmoral after the Queen’s death was announced to the nation 

Mr Scobie alleges that Palace ‘sources’ briefed certain newspapers that Charles had personally shared the news of the Queen’s illness with his son. He quotes a friend of the duke who said this left Harry ‘crushed’.

The author adds that Charles asked Harry to come to Balmoral without Meghan.  

‘They just didn’t want Meghan there,’ according to a former palace aide quoted in the book.

Meghan Markle 

‘Told King Charles there are TWO ”royal racists”’

Meghan accused two people in the Royal Household of airing ‘concerns’ about her son Archie’s skin colour, Endgame will claim. 

The Duchess of Sussex is said to have written to Charles to outline her concerns about the comments. 

The Duchess of Sussex is said to have written to King Charles to outline her concerns about allegedly made by members of the Royal Family about Archie’s skin colour  

READ MORE – What’s REALLY behind Meghan and Kate’s long-standing feud 

Mr Scobie’s claims threaten to reignite the ‘royal racist’ row that came about after Harry and Meghan’s interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021. 

Meghan had alleged in the TV special that an unnamed member of the Royal Family spoke about ‘how dark his (Archie’s) skin might be when he’s born’.

The Sun reports, however, that a second member of the extended Royal Household – who may not be a member of the Royal Family itself – also made similar comments.

The two people are not named in Endgame, which is subtitled Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy’s Fight for Survival.

Mr Scobie reportedly claims to know who they are, but cannot name them for fear of legal reprisals in the UK.

‘Does not want to return to England’ and the ‘royal soap opera’ 

Mr Scobie repeats previous claims that the Duchess of Sussex ‘never wants to set foot in England again’, ‘never felt at home’ in the UK and ‘never wants to be involved in the British monarchy again’. 

The author suggests that her son Archie’s fourth birthday – which coincided with the coronation – was simply an excuse for her to avoid the ceremony. 

Meghan Markle, with Prince Harry on Nov 20, is said to never want to set foot in England again  

At the time, Harry announced he would be travelling to the UK without his wife, who was remaining in California to look after their children.

The Prince was reported to have voiced concerns over security and the reputation his family could receive from the public. Other reports suggested Meghan had been left upset after a letter from Charles did not address claims she had made about her poor mental health.

At the time, Mr Scobie said Archie’s birthday ‘played a factor in the decision’ and he expected it would be a ‘fairly quick trip to the UK’ for Harry.

But he’s now claimed in Endgame that Meghan didn’t attend because she refused to ‘dive back into the soap opera of the court’.

Meghan personally phoned Omid Scobie after death threats 

Meghan Markle phoned Mr Scobie after learning he had been sent threats on social media, the author’s new book reveals. 

But the Sussexes’ ‘cheerleader-in-chief’ insists he is ‘not their friend, and never have been’ ahead of the release of his new book Endgame. 

Meghan called Mr Scobie in 2018 on her mobile phone to check on his welfare when she was told by a member of her team he had been harassed on social media, reports The Telegraph. 

William, Harry, Meghan and Charles speak together at Westminster Abbey in March 2019

The royal writer insisted in recent weeks ahead of the November 28 release of Endgame he is not ‘Meg’s pal’. He wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter: ‘And let’s get this nonsense out the way – #ENDGAME is about the current state of the British Royal Family. 

‘It’s not ‘Harry and Meghan’s book’, I’m not ‘Meg’s pal’, the Sussexes have nothing to do with it, their story is a small part of a much bigger one you can read in 12 days.’

While in an interview with Paris Match he added: ‘I am not their friend and never have been.’

Meghan and Harry’s favoured reporter has been friendly with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and co-wrote their 2020 biography Finding Freedom. 

Sussex insiders have recently indicated to MailOnline Harry and Meghan had nothing to do with Scobie’s latest release amid a series of extracts being released from the book which casts cruel jibes at almost every member of the Royals. 

Prince William 

‘Absolutely no going back’ for relationship with Harry

In Endgame, Mr Scobie suggests William and Harry’s relationship is beyond repair because the Prince of Wales sees his brother as a ‘defector’.

In an extract shared with People, he claims ‘there is no going back’ for the brothers and ‘absolutely nothing has changed’ since the Duke of Sussex released Spare earlier this year.

Mr Scobie suggests William and Harry’s relationship is beyond repair because the Prince of Wales sees his brother as a ‘defector’ 

Mr Scobie even alleges that William ‘doesn’t want to know’ his younger brother, who he feels has been ‘brainwashed by an army of therapists’.

He writes: ‘I was talking to a source quite early on in the process, and they called Harry a ‘defector’ and said that was William’s view.

‘These were two men who once upon a time were firmly aligned in their outlook. One of them had to move on to also protect the crown.’

Harry wrote about his and William’s relationship in Spare, going so far as to call his brother his ‘arch-nemesis’.

William ‘kept Omid Scobie away from royal engagements’ 

In his Paris Match interview, Mr Scobie claims that after the publication of Finding Freedom he noticed ‘everything was put to the test’ – citing changes to his relationships and contacts within the royal family.

He says: ‘William even kept me away from his engagements for several months, thinking I was Harry’s emissary.

Scobie has denied his new book Endgame is ‘Harry and Meghan’s’ and instead claimed it will tell the ‘current state of the British Royal Family’

‘He had to hire a new head of communications, who met with me and told me that he wanted to make a clean sweep of the past. 

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‘But there were times when I was unable to fully practice my profession because of the repercussions of this book.’

It’s unclear how much Mr Scobie has made since he began writing about Harry and Meghan, with some estimates putting it at around $800,000 (just over £660,000). 

The US has become a home from home for the author, where he has regularly appeared on Good Morning America, been a contributor to ABC News and where his latest royal potboiler is being serialised in People magazine.

Photographs on his social media accounts depict him embracing the life of an LA prince, visiting the Polo Lounge in Beverly Hills and Nobu in Malibu, two of the area’s most expensive restaurants. 

Both are celebrity hangouts and less than two hours’ drive from Harry and Meghan’s Montecito mansion.

William ‘power hungry’

Promotional material for Endgame suggests it will be just as damning in its criticism of the Royal Family as Finding Freedom, with William branded ‘power hungry’ and King Charles ‘unpopular’. 

Mr Scobie revealed the cover of his latest book Endgame with a breathless description on Amazon calling it ‘a penetrating investigation into the current state of the British monarchy – an unpopular king, a power-hungry heir to the throne, a queen willing to go to dangerous lengths to preserve her image and a prince forced to start a new life after being betrayed by his own family’.  

Promotional material for Endgame suggests it will be just as damning in its criticism of the Royal Family as Finding Freedom 

The book, subtitled ‘Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy’s Fight for Survival’, is billed as an ‘explosive’ look into events surrounding the Queen’s death.

The Amazon sales pitch states: ‘Queen Elizabeth II’s death ruptured the already-fractured foundations of the House of Windsor – and dismantled the protect.’ 

Mr Scobie claims William is encouraged by his positive approval ratings and is ‘sometimes more concerned about his own image than that of the institution’. 

Reaction from William’s allies to ‘outrageous’ suggestions 

In extracts from Endgame, Mr Scobie has suggested that William ‘prioritised his loyalty to the monarchy’ over his brother Harry and actively leaked information about Harry and Meghan to undermine them.

Kensington Palace has remained silent on the furore, but the frustration of those loyal to William was clear. One told the Mail that Scobie’s depiction of the heir to the throne was the ‘very opposite’ of William’s personal mantra.

‘He has always been very tight-lipped when it comes to his family and made clear to anyone within his orbit that he would not do ‘deals’ with the media,’ they said.’Like Harry, he is scarred by his childhood experiences, seeing his mother and father engaged in what was dubbed ‘the war of the Waleses’. He never wanted history to repeat itself.

‘That was something that he and Harry were meant to be united on.’

Another added: ‘It’s one thing writing a critique of the Royal Family. That’s freedom of expression. But it’s another thing to peddle conspiracy theories dressed up as fact. The suggestion that [royal aides] were briefing negative stories [about Harry and Meghan] is totally fabricated. It just didn’t happen.

Meghan, Harry, William and Kate on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in July 2018

‘The truth is that everyone was walking on eggshells practically from the engagement trying to keep them happy.’

In his latest interview, with The Sunday Times, Scobie describes William as a hot-headed, power-hungry man who has become increasingly willing to allow the Palace to deploy dirty tricks. Aside from the prince occasionally being prone to the famous Windsor temper, those who know him well say it would be anathma to him.

The author also paints the Princess of Wales as an under-achiever, who is too scared of putting a foot wrong to stick her head above the parapet.

‘That will really wind William up,’ said another source. ‘He’s immensely proud of what his wife has achieved. The princess has been the driving force behind a great deal of their work, particularly when it comes to bettering mental health.’

Kate Middleton

‘Hasn’t spoken with Meghan in four years’

The Princess of Wales and the Duchess of Sussex have not spoken since 2019, Mr Scobie suggests.

In the Paris Match piece, the author also waspishly claims that Kate spent more time ‘talking about’ her sister-in-law Meghan than she ever actually spent with her.

He claims that Harry and Meghan sent the Waleses’ three children gifts last Christmas, but that William and Kate did not respond with so much as a text.

 Scobie claims there was ‘palpable silence’ as the royal couples travelled the short distance to Windsor’s Long Walk for a royal walkabout in 2022 (pictured) 

Paris Match adds that Kate ‘immediately detected a rival to her’ in Meghan, writing: ‘She spent more time talking about Meghan… than with Meghan,’ according to ‘a close friend of the couple’.

Harry, while promoting his tell-all memoir earlier this year, said it quickly became ‘Meghan versus Kate’ after he started dating the US TV actress in 2016.

Harry also repeated claims that Kate made Meghan cry during a row about bridesmaids’ dresses ahead of the Sussexes’ 2018 wedding.

William, Kate, Harry and Meghan were at one time dubbed the Royal Family’s ‘Fab Four’ after they initially appeared to form a close bond.

The Princess of Wales and Meghan Markle’s drive to the Windsor estate for a walkabout was ‘silent’, Scobie’s Endgame claims 

But when they were reunited for a car journey the day after the Queen’s death in September 2022, there was a ‘palpable’ silence as they travelled the short distance to Windsor’s Long Walk, the book claims.

The magazine goes on to say the book describes the complete breakdown of relations between the brothers, saying: ‘Not even a text message at Christmas, although, according to Scobie, Meghan and Harry had sent gifts to Kate and William’s children.’

Meghan and Kate were encouraged to dress like Diana

The Princess of Wales and Meghan Markle have both been encouraged to dress like Diana so a bit of her ‘shine could rub off on them’, according to a new book.

Mr Scobie claims in his new book about the royal family that the pair were urged to essentially ‘cosplay’ as their husbands’ mother.

The Sussexes’ biographer writes that Kate, 41, and Meghan, 42, would sometimes be given outfits based on ideas which used photos of the late Princess of Wales for inspiration.

The 42-year-old quotes a royal source as saying that William, 41, and Harry, 39, were consulted anytime it was suggested that their wives be dressed in a style similar to their late mother.

It is one of a number of explosive claims made in the author’s new book Endgame.

The book also takes aim at Kate by claiming she is ‘too terrified to do anything more than grinning photo ops’, in a cruel swipe branded ‘horribly unjust’ by a friend of the Princess.

Princess Anne

‘Persuaded Charles to evict Sussexes from Frogmore’

Harry and Meghan were given Frogmore Cottage as a wedding present by the late Queen before being kicked out in January – 24 hours after the publication of Spare.

The Sussexes had paid £2.4million to renovate the property and were determined to hold onto it as a UK base, but were told to move out in what their cheerleader Scobie described at the time as a ‘cruel punishment’.

Princess Anne is said to have persuaded her brother King Charles (right, at the Highland Games last year) to evict Harry and Meghan from Frogmore Cottage 

French magazine Paris Match reports that the author will claim it was Harry’s aunt, Anne, who encouraged Charles to initiate ‘Frogxit’ as part of a ‘strict’ approach towards the wayward couple.

This is said to have prompted the prince to plead, ‘Don’t you want to see your grandchildren any more?’

Mr Scobie says that only Harry’s uncle, Prince Edward, was concerned about the prince’s mental health.

He even accuses the King of being more worried about the pressure on Prince Andrew in the wake of the Epstein scandal.

Meghan and Harry were given notice to leave Frogmore (pictured) days after Harry’s memoir, Spare, was published in January

The magazine says: ‘Meanwhile, the King could not bring himself to hurt his brother. [He] was in tears because he was afraid for Andrew’s mental health.

‘Charles leads with his head and his heart. William is colder.  He wants the job done and he had no problem with casualties along the way.’

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