Huge anti-separatist crowd reportedly trap Spanish Prime Minister in building

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz were reportedly trapped inside a Malaga hotel by anti-separatist protesters on Friday night.

Sánchez, the country’s acting Prime Minister, is set to remain in power after striking a deal with a Catalan separatist party. It would secure his party another four years in power.

Spain’s Popular Party won the July elections but were unable to successfully form a majority. The deal with separatists now means the Socialists and Sánchez would have the required numbers.

It has sparked anger from the right leading to anti-separatist protests breaking out in Madrid and other major cities across Spain. The Popular Party said Sánchez had written a “blank cheque for the independence movement”, reports the BBC.

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Now reports on social media show huge crowds congregating and chanting as Sánchez and Scholz met in Malaga. The protest is said to have been led by activists Revuelta.

Visegrad 24 reported: “Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez have been trapped in a building in Malaga by a large crowd of anti-separatist protesters spearheaded by Revuelta.

“The German Chancellor’s security detail is trying to figure out a way to get him out of the building.”

A subsequent video shared on social media platform X – formerly known as Twitter – showed Sánchez and Scholz leaving the hotel with a police escort. Protesters lined the streets as they exited.

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Sánchez had sealed a deal with pro-independence party The Catalan Republican Left (ERC) which is in power in Spain’s north-eastern region. But on Thursday he clinched a deal with the more radical Together for Catalonia (JxCat).

It is led by Carles Puigdemont, the man behind the 2017 Catalan breakaway independence vote. Puigdemont fled to Brussels at the time to avoid being jailed.

Both the ERC and JxCat hold seven seats out of 350 in the Spanish parliament. The Popular Party secured 136 seats while the Socialists won 122.

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