Family endured a 'holiday from hell' after being bitten by bed bugs

Family endured a ‘holiday from hell’ after being bitten by bed bugs at a British caravan resort

  • Lea Tyler, 38, went to Parkdean Naze Marine Resort, in Walton, Essex
  • She says her children and partner were bitten all week by the insects 
  • Parkdean has apologised and insisted it has strict cleaning protocols in place 

A family endured a ‘holiday from hell’ after being bitten ‘all week’ by bed bugs at a caravan resort.

Lea Tyler, 38, went on a seven day break at Parkdean Naze Marine Resort, in Walton, Essex, with her partner and children when they noticed bites starting to appear on their bodies. 

They initially thought they were gnat bites, but Ms Tyler woke in the middle of the night on their penultimate evening having spent a restless sleep and screamed when she discovered what she believeed were bed bugs on the sheets.  

The panicked mother took the children, including her baby, out of their rooms and Parkdean offered the family another caravan to spend their final night but they refused. 

The resort has apologised and insists it has strict cleaning protocols in place. 

Lea Tyler, 38, went on a seven-day break at Parkdean Naze Marine Resort, in Walton, Essex, with her partner and children but claim they were ‘bitten all week’ by bed bugs

A picture Ms Tyler took of one of the insects she find beneath the duvet of a bed in their caravan. Parkdean has apologised and insisted it has strict protocols in place 

The bed bugs feasted on Ms Tyler’s partner with red marks appearing on his arms and torso 

The insects had feasted on her partner’s body with pictures showing red bite marks on his arms and torso. 

Ms Tyler, who has been on caravan holidays for 22 years, claims on October 14 in the early hours of the morning she discovered what she believed to be bed bugs after struggling to sleep.

She said: ‘We have been bitten all week, we thought it was gnats as we’ve been outside.

‘I couldn’t sleep on Saturday, I went into the bedroom, my baby was asleep and there were bed bugs.

‘I screamed, it was 2.30am in the morning and I had to bring the children out of the rooms.’

After snapping some images and photos, in the morning Ms Tyler went to speak with the park’s management.

The family were given the option to move to another caravan for their final night but decided not to as they claim they would have had to leave their belongings to be cleaned.

The family were given the option to move to another caravan for their final night but decided not to as they claim they would have had to leave their belongings to be cleaned

Ms Tyler said her partner had been bitten ‘very badly’ (pictured), while it the upsetting ordeal had ‘triggered bad mental health’ for her 

Parkdean says the family was offered other forms of compensation.

Ms Tyler added: ‘I’ve had to do a hot wash to clean all the kids clothing in case there are eggs.

‘It was an upsetting and bad experience; it has triggered bad mental health for me. My partner has been bitten very badly across his body.’

A spokesman for Naze Marine Holiday Park said: ‘We’re sorry for Lea’s experience on this occasion.

‘We have strict cleaning protocols in place and once notified, we immediately offered the customer new accommodation, support and arranged for our specialist contractors to treat the issue.’

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