Bizarre café leaves people baffled as floor filled with water and swimming fish

A cafe in Thailand has left social media users in baffled by what’s inside.

Sweet Fishs Café is a unique café in Khanom, Thailand, where guests can dine in a room with a floor filled with water and koi fish.

Koi fish are a type of carp that are often kept as ornamental fish in ponds and aquariums.

The restaurant came to light after a Reddit shared its video with the social media users.

The 18-second video takes the social media users inside the cafe where fish can be seen swimming on the brown wooden floor.

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The tables and chairs are placed on the floor as the water runs between them.

The overall feel of the cafe has left social media users questioning the hygiene of the cafe.

One person wrote: “I think the place is empty for a reason.”

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A third user said: “Yeah the anxiety of ‘Did I just impale a fish with the leg of my chair’ kills my apetite. Thanks.”

A fourth user commented: “I’m guessing this is a restaurant where they had a large koi pond and one of the walls failed, dumping the fish into the eating area.

“This can’t be on purpose.”

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