Curve Incident Spurs DeFi First Responder Telegram Bot – SEAL 911

Curve Recovers Loot From Vyper-Pool Exploit

DeFi’s community remains watchful even as Curve Finance recovers almost 75% of exploited liquidity. CRV’s price dropped along with TVL on Ethereum’s DeFi scene after attackers leveraged a reentrancy vulnerability to steal millions from crypto pools on Curve’s decentralized exchange.

Over a week later, the DEX recovered $52.3 million out of $73.5 million stolen in late July/early August. CRV’s price also buoyed back to 60 cents after dropping to 49 cents following the exploit.

Curve is offering 10% of the outstanding funds – worth $1.8 million – as a bounty in return for information about the exploiter.

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